Contoh Makalah Cloud Computing Teknokrat
Disusun Oleh:
Ely Mertiansyah
Galih Budianto
Imam Mustofa
Setia Ningsih
Jessy Maya Ratnasari
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika & Komputer
Perguruan Tinggi Teknokrat
Bandar Lampung
Cloud computing technology is now widely implemented in various fields , one of which is in the
field of education . If we consider carefully in Indonesia there are 3 major obstacles in the field
of education : The number of seats available or well capacity of the elementary school to college
is very far from the needs of the economy any skill very weak because there are many needy
families who live so as not to afford to send their children in school quality .
With the cloud computing these problems can be resolved of course with the active role of the
participants who wish to gain knowledge without having to come to class but can be remotely via
the Internet . With such a system the participants in the class are not restricted as in general
education classrooms that need . Thus, the number one obstacle has been overcome . Obstacle
number 2 as well as number 1 , with cloud computing in the field of education, the participants
only need the internet . Now in many villages , especially Indonesia office has provided free
internet service for the citizens . So for those who are constrained to the cost of acquiring
education facilities. Moreover usually already packaged learning materials in the form of an
ebook that can be obtained for free . Examples of concrete with services Gunadarma University
OpenCourseWare ( OCW ) it can be accessed for free.
Key words: Cloud Computing, Peranan
Cloud Computing, Dunia Pendidikan
Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi
dan informasi yang kian cepat membuat
semakin cepatnya produk-produk teknologi
menyebar ke seluruh penjuru dunia.
Kebutuhan akan informasi yang selalu up to
date ketika suatu peristiwa terjadi dan
kabarnya dapat segera tersebar dan diketahui
semua orang. Teknologi komputasi terkini
sangat memungkinkan penyampaian
informasi secara lebih cepat melalui koneksi
internet dimana seluruh penduduk di dunia
tersambung melalui media internet.